Κροκεάτης Λίθος

Αγιά Σοφιά - Κωσταντινούπολη
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Krokeatis lithos (Lapis Lacedaemonius )
Church of Agia Sophia , Constantinople

photos by: Dr. George Alepohoritis
Click on pictures to enlarge

George & Diana Alepohoritis
standing near the area where the
Byzantine Emperors were once crowned


The Emperor standing in the large circle
was surrounded by his guards standing in the
smaller circles. Each small circle is made of a rare
piece of marble. One of them is
made with Krokeatis lithos

Τα μεγαλύτερα ισως υπάρχοντα κομμάτια Κροκεάτη Λίθου απο την ορθομαρμάρωση στο εσωτερικό του ναού ,δεξιά και αριστερά της κεντρικής πύλης .

The largest perhaps pieces (shuttered) of Krokeatis Lithos installed on the right and left wall of the main entrance.

Krokeai Society, USA & Canada  - Σύλλογος Κροκεατών Αμερικής Καναδά